My love for paper planners drove me to start my business when I was 23. 

As I was designing for my clients, I realized that even if you have great graphic designer, if you don’t have good photos, the end result is…meh.

So in 2018, I decided to apply my degree in studio arts and technology and start offering photography & videography.

I found a love for being behind the camera to hype up my clients and show them the absolute rockstars they are.

My wonderful husband has taken on the job of second shooter, assistant, pack mule, and behind the scenes capturer extraordinaire. There is a possibility he may pop up at your session if we can find a babysitter.

So, when it comes to your marketing visuals, let me take care of it.

Hey, I'm Brook!

learn more about photo + design services

I married my high school sweetheart in 2016, we now have 2 sheepadoodles and 1 human babe. (you'll see her a lot on my instagram stories)

Throughout school I played golf. I joke that the only reason I played was because it was the only sport where I could eat throughout the entire match... not really a joke. My bag always had a pack of skittles in it!

I have several fun ideas for children's books. I hope someday I can both write and illustrate them. 

In college I painted shoes for spending cash, now I paint shoes for fun gifts for my nieces, nephews, and daughter based on their interests! 

more about me

Cool Brags

Magnolia Grace

Maggie... sweet Maggie. She is vocal, a bit crazy, and all puppy at 5 years old. We love her, and the bond she has with Liv. 


If you don't feel like talking to anyone, DO NOT make eye contact with this one. She will take it as an invitation to hold an entire press conference about anything that pops into her head.

Bella Rose

The goodest girl who can do no wrong. She is the grumpy older sister and absolutely the alpha dog. If you stop giving her any attention, she will paw you just as a gentle reminder that you have a job to do.

my favorite talking points

Branding photography is such a game changer for businesses, which is one reason why I love it, but Seniors have been my main bread and butter for years. Seniors keep me young and update my vocabulary regularly.

Over the last 7 years I have fallen in love with senior photography. I love talking to the soon-to-be-grads about their extra curriculars, friends, upcoming events, and future plans. Hearing the excitement about where their lives are, and where they're going is so refreshing. 

It isn't difficult to get my high school and college seniors excited for their sessions, but I noticed a lot of my branding clients were more nervous and even dreading their sessions. It was almost just a box they had to check just to stay relevant, nothing more. Now I love helping business owners find the joy of getting great imagery and creating a cohesive look for both photography and design. Branding doesn't need to feel like a chore. Creating a brand that speaks to a business' ideal client can be exciting for all parties involved.

Getting acquainted with Boston business owners has reignited my passion for all things branding.

Is photography a love language?

Copyright 2021 | Photos by Smitten with Bliss | Design by Jessica Gingrich | Privacy Policy

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